
How It All Began

What's New


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B4-4 Links



No One But B4-4!

Latest News
- Well the guys are hard at work preparing for their next album, which i'm sure will either be as good, or better as their first album! I guess we'll all just have to sit back and wait for the new album to come out!(hope it comes soon!)

- I need some help!!! My good buddy Carsten really wants to get the guitar tabs for 'Endlessly'! So if any of you have them or know where to find them, please contact me!!

- I also want to announce that i'm moving my site!! I wanna making it a bit more...spunky. So look out for the link to my new site!!

Check out the awesome official b4-4 website!!


Who Me???
Do you have any idea how shocked I was to find this site in the B4-4 Beat?? I couldn't even scream! Thanks a bunch Dash for talking about my site!! And check this out!! They linked my site to b4-4.com too!!

Photo Pages
Here you can see all kinds of photos of the band. Baby photos, in concert photos and behind the scenes at photo shoots.

What's New Page
Here you can see all the latest on the group. Tour dates will be set up here and also if the group will be making any TV appearances.

<br><BGSOUND SRC="C:My Documents4-4 copiesGoGo.wav"><br>

Talent and looks!! What more could you ask for?

Baby Photos At Photo Page